Our summer assignment for the diaconate is to keep a journal
of personal reflections on one of the daily scripture readings. From June
through August we are to do a reflection of scripture for every Sunday and for
three other days of the week.
As deacons we will be ministers of the Word, proclaiming the
Gospel from the pulpit and through the way we live our lives. We all will be
called on from time to time to preach on Holy Scripture. Holy Scripture has to
be an intimate part of our lives. We must learn to live and breathe it with
every breath. We must know more than just the words. We must know the spirit
behind the words. We may be the only bible someone ever reads. It is imperative
for us, therefore, to be the best bible we can become.
This summer exercise is a way for us to dip our toe in the
pool of daily scripture reading before being thrown into the deep end. Done
properly we will be able to tread water and eventually become master swimmers.
Taken lightly it will be like tying a millstone around our necks.
I have decided to share my reflections here. Hopefully it
will keep me faithful to doing them as required amid the hectic and full life I
lead. It also allows you, dear reader, a chance to see how my mind works and to
guide me back to truth when I begin to go astray. If any of these reflections
generate questions, comments, or concerns please let me know. It is through
respectful dialog that we all grow in our faith and understanding.
Thank you.
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